About Us

Frederick Meredith Descendants Group

The Frederick Meredith Descendants Group Inc celebrates the life of Frederick Meredith who arrived on the First Fleet. The group was formed to share what our family researchers have discovered about Frederick and his family, their triumphs and tragedies.

We explore stories of family and those of our early settlers. The stories of Frederick and his family examine the relationships between the Meredith family and the First Fleet, colonial Australia, the police and defence forces, Meredith women and their struggles, tragedies and triumphs, and the importance of family history.

Our Aims
1. to encourage research into the life and times of of Frederick Meredith and his descendants
2. to publish regular newsletters giving descendants the opportunity to present their research, exchange information
3. to organise family activities or events for the benefit of descendants
4. to establish good relations with similar family groups and associated associations
5. support a committee whose task is to promote membership and maintain vitality within the group

Today, the Frederick Meredith descendants trace their line of descent through Frederick’s children, and it is these stories that many consider to be the most important to be told. Family traits that were individual to each of his children can be seen in their children and their children’s children, continuing down the line to the present day. Many of the descendants, particularly Frederick’s grandchildren, continued his love of travel and adventure and moved to other colonies in New Zealand and Fiji, assisting in the development of those nations. There is also a strong family connection with the Police and defence forces with many of Frederick’s descendants serving in both World Wars, and several younger generation descendants are currently working in the Police force. The following stories explore the lives of Frederick’s children, their tragedies and hardships, and how these were overcome in some of Australia’s most difficult times as a new country.

Model Rules for the Incorporation of Associations according to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 shall apply to the Frederick Meredith Descendants Group. Download the Frederick Meredith Descendants Group Inc’s Constitution.